Our Challenge - Rebelle Rally 2022 & 2023

The Rebelle Rally covers 2,500 kilometers of stunning terrain across the Nevada and California desert.

Blending the love of driving with the ultimate challenge of precise navigation, the Rebelle tests your skills over 8 days of competition. It is not a race for speed, but a unique and demanding event based on the elements of headings, hidden checkpoints, time, and distance using maps, compass, and roadbook.


How to get to the Rebelle Rally Start Line.

  • Grey Bronco Sport on a muddy course driving down a steep pitch into a puddle.

    #1 - Learn to Drive

    It’s important to get your “off-roading” legs under you. Our favorite local options was attending Avants Off-Road training and course days.

  • Map with a compass, plotter, and Wilderness Navigation book on top.

    #2 - Learn to Navigate

    In order to compete well you need to start understanding how to navigate with a map and compass . Rebelle offers a series of amazing courses called Rebelle U. We also took a comprehensive 4-part navigation course with Seattle Mountaineers.

  • Two off road vehicles in sand dunes. The green jeep in front is trying to pull out the one behind them, which is stuck in the sand.

    #3 - Learn to Recover

    Knowing how to safely drive in tricky terrain and how to get your vehicle out of a tough spot are key abilities for an event like the Rebelle. We underwent the professional guidance of Overland Training Canada to learn these skills.

The Rebelle is a one of a kind Rally unlike anything else out there!

It is the longest off-road rally in the United States and it just so happens to be for women only!

What is the competition consist of? It’s 8 days of navigating to checkpoints across the landscapes of Nevada and California. Each morning of competition all teams will be given one hour and a list of navigation check points. Without the use of a GPS device, each team is required to map their given check points and plot their route for the day. Then it’s off to your vehicle to set your bearings and head out with only map, plotted checkpoints, and compass to guide you!

There are different types of checkpoints: green, blue and black. The green are mandatory and are marked with big green flags these checkpoints are plotted for you. Then there are the blue checkpoints (harder to find) that could be just a blue pole in the ground. Finally, there are the black checkpoints which are the hardest to find. They have no markers and you have to use your navigation skills to assume you have found the right location.

You will receive the most points depending on how close to the black checkpoints you get. Likewise, you are penalized if you are not in the right spot. Each team is provided a GPS device that is used only to “Lock in” their exactly location at the checkpoints!

This rally is highly competitive and every year the competition gets more serious. With the national attention and high caliber of the rally it can only get more and more prestigious.

This is quite the adventure and all the while you are camping and loving every minute of it!